Before submitting an application, please take the time to note the following:

– Please read carefully our list of course descriptions and the list of fees for our courses.  Please note that each course has a separate fee and there is now a charge for the maths courses of £10.

– For enquiries, please contact esumsda@essex.ac.uk

– Essex University PGR students need to enrol via Proficio in addition to the form below. Please note that your application is not confirmed until the ESS office has received both forms.  If you require assistance with this, please contact the ESS office.

– We aim to process all applications within five to seven working days.



  • Pre-sessional and session one: 20 June 2025
  • Session two: 4 July 2025
  • Session three: 18 July 2025

General Information

Please provide your name as stated on your passport. This is very important as the information provided will be used to create your University of Essex student record.

Private information

The University is required to collect the following information by the Higher Education Statistical Agency.

The University of Essex is registered under the terms of the Data Protection Act to enable it to hold and process personal data about its participants. These data comprise details about admission, academic background, course registration and academic progress while at the University. They also include information collected by the University for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring. The University will process these data for various administrative, academic and health and safety purposes. The data will be kept secure and accurate and will only be disclosed to people who have a need to know in accordance with the University’s registration under the Act.

Academic / Institution Information

Information For Invoice

If you require your invoice to be addressed to someone other than yourself (e.g. academic department, scholarship provider etc), please provide the information here:

Please note: Applicants are responsible for ensuring their invoice reaches the relevant party for payment.

Background Knowledge

Please indicate your background knowledge in the following areas. 

Note: if you are part of a group enrolment, please indicate this in the ‘research interests’ box below. 




Please give details of your primary subfield and research interests using a few keywords

Course Selection

Fees: Course fees are described here.

Schedule: The course schedules for each session can be found here.


Pre-sessional: Monday 30 June – Friday 4 July 2025

Session 1: Monday 7 July – Friday 18 July 2025

Session 2: Monday 21 July – Friday 1 August 2025

Session 3: Monday 4 August – Friday 15 August 2025

Morning courses are 10:00-13:30 BST. Afternoon 14:15-17:45 BST. These times are final. 

Courses are delivered in person, online or hybrid mode.

In-person courses will be held at our Colchester campus. Online study is not available for these courses.

Online courses will be taught via Zoom. In-person study is not available for these courses.

Hybrid courses are available for study either in person or online. Hybrid delivery of courses will include synchronous live sessions during which on campus and online students will be taught simultaneously.


– Select no more than one afternoon and one morning course for each session you will attend.

– Note that courses 1I, 2Q and 3N are full day courses and cannot be taken in conjunction with an afternoon or morning course that occurs simultaneously. 

– Maths classes begin at 8:15 am every morning. Participants are encouraged to attend these lectures if they feel they need supplementary  instruction.

– If you have questions about your application, please contact the ESS office by email before completing your application.


PRE-SESSIONAL: Monday 30 June – Friday 4 July 2025

SESSION ONE: Monday 7 July – Friday 18 July 2025

SESSION TWO: Monday 21 July – Friday 1 August 2025

SESSION THREE: Monday 4 August – Friday 15 August 2025

Mode Of Study For Hybrid Course Selection

Students undertaking hybrid taught courses are required to enrol for either in person or online participation at the point of application. Applications for hybrid taught courses which do not provide this information will not be processed. If you have any questions, please contact the ESS office before submitting your application.

Please note: This information is required at the time of application. Requests to change mode of study after this point should be sent via email to essexsummerschoolssda@essex.ac.uk

Exam Enrolment

Please note: ESS courses are not automatically examined. For a fee of £100, students can be enrolled for a single course exam in any course.

  • 15 ECTS credits awarded by the University of Essex can be earnt by taking the exam for a 35 hour course.
  • 7.5 ECTS credits awarded by the University of Essex can be earnt by taking the exam for a 17.5 hour course.

If you would like to be enrolled for the exam and the fee added to your invoice, please indicate below: 

Right to Study Checks: All ESS students undertaking a course for accreditation (sitting the exam) who will be present in the UK at the time of the summer school, will be required to undergo a right to study check.

Failure to complete the check will result in you not being able to undertake the exam and receive accreditation for your course.

If you are enrolling for the examination as part of your application, please respond to the question below:  

If yes, which leave/immigration permission are you intending to use whilst you study with us?

If you are a UK national, please just confirm this. If you are a non-UK national, examples of leave/immigration permissions you may use could include Student Visa, Visitor Visa or any form of limited or indefinite leave to remain. If you are using any of these types of leave/immigration permissions, please confirm.

Providing us with this information now will assist us in supporting you to complete a Right to Study Check, if you are required to undertake one as part of your completion of the assessed/accredited version of this course.

Summer Schools Student Declaration

Summer School Terms and Conditions 2024 – 25

 We are a university that values academic freedom and freedom of speech within the law. We see these as vital components of being an inclusive community. Academic Freedom is an essential part of academic and university life and flourishes where there is tolerance of a wide range of views and beliefs which are lawfully expressed. Promoting the lawful expression of diverse views on our campuses and through events that we hold, including the lawful expression of views is an important part of our responsibility to be inclusive. It enables all members of the University to feel able to express their views and beliefs within the law and encouraged to be active members of our university community.

Our Equality. Diversity and Inclusion Policy supports our commitment to addressing under-representation where it exists, celebrating the diversity of our students and staff, nurturing communities of belonging in which all are accepted without exception, promoting inclusion, well-being, resilience and empowerment to enable everyone to reach their full potential as well as securing and promoting the importance of Academic Freedom of Speech within the Law.


I understand that it is a term of my contract with the University to agree to the following and that it is my responsibility to read the necessary regulations, policies and procedures before I agree.


  • I agree to comply with and meet any and all conditions set out in the Regulations relating to Registration, the Code of Student Conduct, IT Acceptable Use Policy and Library Regulations from the date of my first period of registration as a student on the summer school to the date I complete the course or withdraw permanently, as recorded by the University.
  • I understand that this period may include a series of individual registration periods.
  • I understand that if I am undertaking a course for accreditation then I will be required to provide original documents to show that I have the right to study in the UK for the course I am taking.
  • I abide by the University of Essex’s code of conduct and acknowledge its zero-tolerance policy on bullying and harassment.

Cancellation and Refund Policies 

  • Cancellations made prior to 1st June 2025: A full refund minus an administrative charge of £50.00.
  • Cancellations made between 1st June and 1st July 2025: A fifty percent charge or refund of fifty percent.
  • Cancellations made after 1st July 2025: No refund to be made.
  • Registered participants on courses cancelled by the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis will be entitled to claim a full refund.
  • Registered participants with unsuccessful visa attempts will be entitled to claim a full refund.
  • Extenuating circumstances will be considered at the organiser’s discretion.

Personal Data

I understand that the information being collected on this form is necessary for my contract with the University. I understand that there is a fuller explanation of how the University uses my personal data, and of my rights in relation to my data, in the University’s Privacy Notices. I confirm that all information provided in this form for the purposes of registration with the University of Essex is accurate.


I accept that the University is not liable for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by me or other parties as a result of delays or in termination of its services or any aspect of its academic provision by reason of natural disaster or unavoidable events that are beyond the reasonable control of the University.

I agree to abide by the above Registration declaration statements for the duration of my period of registration at the University.