Single Course Exams
Courses are not automatically examined although provision can be made to take a single course exam in all 35 and 17.5 hour courses at a cost of £100.00.
To register for exam enrolment , please ensure your intention to take the exam is noted on your application form.
Examinations can be undertaken for credit for all ESS courses.
15 ECTS credits awarded by the University of Essex can be earnt by taking the exam for a two-week, 35-hour course.
7.5 ECTS credits awarded by the University of Essex can be earnt by taking the exam for a one-week, 17.5 hour course.
Participants from countries participating in the Bologna scheme are typically able to use these credits in M.A. or other degree programmes at their home university. Please enquire to your home university for further information on your eligibility and the nature of this process. The ESS office has no information about which universities accept ECTS credits from the University of Essex.
Examinations are offered for a fee of £100.00. To register for exam enrolment, please ensure you note your intention to take the exam on your application form and the fee will be included on your invoice.
For most 35 hour courses, exams will typically consist of two “take home” papers.
For 17.5 hour courses, exams will consist of one “take home” paper.
Due to the marking structure, the participant will receive a provisional result by November. The final result, certificate, and award of credits from the University will not be provided until approx. January, after an exam board has taken place and marks ratified. Please note when applying, that official notice of marks cannot be provided earlier.