Please note: This course will be taught online only. In person study is not available for this course.
Yanna Krupnikov’s research focuses on political communication. Her most recent research considers variation in political attention and political expression. This research on attention is the topic of her most recent book, The Other Divide.
Course Content:
This course will focus on experimental design, with special attention to survey experiments. Topics covered include will include different approaches to experimental designs, preparation for fielding experiments, measurement and treatment validity, measurement of reported behaviour, as well as additional considerations such as incentives. The class will also consider more complicated design approaches such as experiments with social interaction and experiments which require measurement of behavior. In addition, the course will consider sample size, various types of available samples, and the trade-offs in using certain sample types. Finally, we will address recent research on experimental design.
Course Objectives:
The focus of this course is on experimental design and steps prior to the fielding of an experimental study. Participants will gain an advanced understanding of a broad steps involved in experimental design. Participants can also pose questions about their own ongoing projects.
Course Prerequisites:
No additional background readings are required for this course, however some conceptual familiarity with the experimental approach is beneficial.
Background knowledge required
OLS – elementary
Linear Regression – elementary